The security you need, the features you’ll love
Uninterrupted streaming
Watch your favorite content without any slowdown or interruption on all your devices, wherever you are – no limits on bandwidth or speed.
Easy VPN set up
Start using NordVPN with just a few clicks: get a plan, sign up, and tap the Quick Connect button to pick the best server for your network conditions.
Next-generation encryption
Connect to a VPN server and be sure that NordVPN’s cutting-edge A-256 encryption keeps your online data safe, even on public Wi-Fi.
Malware protection
Enjoy a higher level of security with NordVPN’s Threat Protection feature. Scan downloads for malware, block trackers, and hide ads.
Strict no-log policy
Rest assured that we don’t collect or store your private information such as used bandwidth, traffic logs, IP addresses or browsing data.
One account, ten devices
Secure ten devices with one account, use NordVPN on all operating systems and browsers. Install NordVPN on your router to protect your home network.
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